Next Gen

Kids + Youth

That, looking to Jesus, they may run with endurance the race set before them, and at the last receive the unfading crown of glory.
(Book of Common Prayer, p. 167)

Trinity Kids

Here at Trinity, we love kids. Kids have been a central part of our life together from the very beginning. We love the noise, energy, life, and fun they bring to our community, and we're deeply committed to helping our young people grow to know and love and follow Jesus in an environment that is both safe and fun.

At this point in our life together, the only things we do together that aren't overflowing with kids are our Men's and Women's events, and that's how we like it. So much of faith and life together is "caught," and we want our kids in the middle of it all.

Trinity Kids and Sunday Worship

We are deeply committed to helping the Next Gen learn to love and follow Jesus, and we want the kids in our congregation to really feel and believe that "Trinity is MY church." Because of that, kids participate in almost all of our service, and you're just as likely to see kids leading from the front as you are an adult.

Most weeks we have three classrooms for our Kids Ministry:
1. A nursery, for babies and toddlers, that is open throughout our worship service.
2. A preschool and kindergarten room, with a lesson, prayer time, singing, and fun, that is open from the beginning of the worship service. Preschoolers and Kindergartners are brought back to their parents for Communion.
3. 1st - 3rd grade students begin in the service with bigger kids and adults, and are dismissed for their own lesson and prayer time after the Scripture readings. They're brought back into the service in time for Communion.

These classrooms use a curriculum called "God's Big Story." Kids learn the Gospel, the big story of Scripture (and how it all points to Jesus) and monthly memory verses, and it tracks with the church calendar, just like the rest of the church.

Kids 4th grade and up are given their own journals, and participate with their peers and adults in our worship service.

All of our teachers have been trained and background checked.

Trinity Youth

Young people 4th grade and up are involved in virtually every aspect of our life together. They serve in Trinity Kids, in our worship team, as readers and acolytes, and sometimes they participate in small groups.

In addition, they have their own regular small group and fun events. You can find all upcoming events for Trinity Youth and 456 on the events page.